Explosion cause determined


Six weeks after an explosion rocked Whitman, causing three residences to collapse, The Philadelphia Fire Department issued the cause for the unfortunate occurrence.

Authorities revealed Tuesday that while working inside 428 Daly Street July 29, building contractor Steve Barrientos attempted to light a cigarette with a butane lighter, leading the flame to ignite natural gas from a small leak. The Whitman location and two residences, one to its left, the other to its right, fell as a result of the blast, with Barrientos and five others receiving treatment for injuries. Home evacuations occurred that day and the next, with the latter featuring a press event at which Mayor Michael Nutter and others addressed possible reasons for the explosion at 428, which had received 14 inspections following its March 15 purchase by SCK Investments LLC, 2653 S. Camac St.

At the gathering, Nutter gave voice to beliefs that a cigarette had been the culprit but advised against believing it until more evidence appeared. The proof came two days ago when Executive Chief William Dell announced his employer’s findings.

Contact Staff Writer Joseph Myers at jmyers@southphillyreview.com or ext. 124.