Double Trouble


headline: Double trouble

You would think Miley Cyrus committed a capital crime considering the amount of criticism laid on Disney’s latest cash cow when it was revealed she employs a double while changing her on-stage wardrobe.

If the only lip-syncing going on at a Hannah Montana show is delivered by a Cyrus doppelganger for 20 seconds, then Billy Ray’s daughter should be lauded. C’mon, who is fooling whom? It’s pretty difficult, if not impossible, to be pitch perfect while in the middle of an aerobic exercise.

Lip-syncing has been part of the concert landscape for years. Nobody will fess up, but it’s pretty obvious. During Janet Jackson’s 1990 tour, something seemed a little rotten. While witnessing her show at the Spectrum, I couldn’t help but notice Ms. Jackson sounding just like she did on her "Rhythm Nation" disc.

It reminds me of when my daughter was 7. She was watching Fiona Apple belt out a song; she was startled at watching the volatile vocalist emote. I had to explain those contortions are normal when a singer actually sings. I was afraid to show her footage of Joe Cocker or Janis Joplin. Young popsters who give questionable performances should be called on the carpet. It’s like using steroids in baseball. It’s sad since it’s less about the actual singing and more about the presentation. Style beats substance.

I can’t single out Cyrus. I don’t think she is as guilty as Ashlee Simpson, who was caught lip-syncing on "Saturday Night Live" when technical difficulties exposed Jessica’s younger sister. But Cyrus is on the same pop assembly line as the plethora of disposable girls who preceded her.

Cyrus’ tour ended in Miami, Fla., today, but expect her to add a leg. There is just too much cash to be made. Who knows if anyone will care about the teen sensation in two years. It’s a fickle world in pop music. Act while you can.

In other (bad) news, for those anticipating the inaugural Vineland Festival slated for early August in South Jersey, it’s not looking good. The promoters announced they have postponed the event until early summer 2009. The plug was pulled due to traffic in the Northeast at the time of the show.

Traffic from what? Well, the enormous Coachella show, which is slated for the spring in California, will head east in early August. The event will take place in the Garden State from Aug. 8 to 10, according to The New York Times.

Coachella always attracts big names and at least one reunion. The lineup should be eyebrow-raising. It would be difficult to compete for acts with Coachella, the monster of all festivals.