Damage at Domino’s


An at-large male assaulted an employee of a Bella Vista establishment Saturday morning.

The store shift manager of Domino’s, 716 South St., opened the property for customers and was in the rear of the location when the front-door bell alerted her that someone had entered, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. As she approached the front, the overseer had her neck grabbed, with the offender, who had barged through the closed employee door, barking “Where is the money?”

The interloper took approximately $2,000 from the location, which captured the incident on camera. The employee, who sustained two punches to the back of her head, described the offender, whom she last saw running eastbound on South Street, as black and wearing a dark hoodie, a similarly colored scarf, shoes and gloves and light blue pants.

To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit phillypolice.com/forms.