Cuffed in the courthouse


An anonymous tip identified the alleged offender behind a drawn-out robbery.


A 21-year-old was headed south on the 2200 block of South Rosewood Street. When he reached Jackson Street, Erik Barrett, 26, of the 2500 block of South Beulah Street, allegedly asked for a lighter, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. He let Barrett borrow it, and checked the time on his phone while waiting for it to be returned. Barrett allegedly asked, “What would you say if I said I want that phone?” as he lifted his hoodie to display a firearm in his waistband. The man handed over his cell and Barrett then supposedly asked for cash.

Barrett is believed to have forced the man to withdraw $20 from TD Bank, 2201 S. Broad St., and obtain $10 more in cash back after purchasing cigarettes from 7-Eleven, 2300 S. Broad St., Tolliver said.

While leaving the convenience store, the victim put Barrett in a chokehold and screamed for help, Tolliver said. When Barrett recovered, he allegedly pointed the gun at the victim and fled on foot across Broad Street.

An anonymous tip identified Barrett Oct. 3 from a news broadcast as the tipster had seen him wearing the same hoodie he had on during the crime, Tolliver said. The victim and a witness then both identified Barrett from a photo array.

Barrett was arrested at 11:35 a.m. Oct. 4 at Center City’s Criminal Justice Center, Tolliver said. He was being arraigned for forgery and related charges stemming from an Aug. 25 incident in the 9th District, according to court records.

Barrett was charged with two counts of robbery, theft and receiving stolen property, as well as a count of aggravated assault, kidnapping, unlawful restraint, burglary, criminal trespassing, harassment and related offenses, according to court records. Bail was set at $150,000, which Barrett had not posted as of press time, Oct. 5. He pled guilty to simple assault in February for a 2011 skirmish in Northeast Philly.

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.