Crime-solving effort developed


The police department is working to residents with security cameras to help to solve crime. 

SafeCam is a recently launched initiative that will allow the police to find residential and business security cameras located near where crimes occur that may assist in solving the given incident.

“SafeCam is an opportunity to become a part of your neighborhood’s crime prevention efforts,” Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey said. “Security cameras help to deter crime, and they can also assist in solving a crime after it has happened. Private-public partnerships like SafeCam are critical to making our communities safer.”

Many arrests have been made via surveillance video, so with SafeCam, residents and businesses can register the locations of their security cameras online. The three-step registration takes only 10 minutes and includes contact information along with the camera type and location. The police do not have access to view the cameras — only their locations — and will not contact the camera owners unless an incident happens in the vicinity of the camera, in which case, detectives will help the owner to retrieve the needed footage. 

Visit to register and receive a SafeCam window decal. 

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.