Corner store bandits


The trio was apprehended after successfully stealing about $200 from three of the five small grocery stores they attempted to rob.

Dongchul Park and Francis Hines, both 28, from the 2500 block of South Darien Street, and Jesse McPherson, 29, of Fairmount, were charged with multiple counts of conspiracy to commit robbery, robbery, theft, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, possession of an instrument of crime and related offenses, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. In most cases, McPherson is believed to have robbed the store after Hines scoped it out. Park allegedly drove the getaway car, which was a rental vehicle.

McPherson allegedly entered Betty Grocery, 2747 S. 10th St., at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 23, pointed a light-colored BB gun at the clerk and demanded money, Tolliver said. He fled with $54 to $60.

The trio supposedly arrived at Ho Choi Grocery, 2300 S. Ninth St., at 9:20 a.m. the next day, Tolliver said. McPherson is believed to have entered the store pointing the BB gun toward an employee and said, “give me the money or I’ll shoot you.” However, when the worker reached down to push the robbery alarm, McPherson allegedly admitted he fled thinking she may have a gun.

Thirty minutes later, McPherson supposedly strolled in Little Pete’s Deli, 2600 S. Sixth St., Tolliver said. Still armed, he is believed to have demanded money and fled with $60 to $100.

An hour later, the three arrived in Kensington where McPherson supposedly drove to Sepviva Grocery, Tolliver said. Hines allegedly checked the store out before Park allegedly robbed the place of $20 to $50.

At 11:50 a.m. Jan. 25, Hines is believed to have peered in the window of Tienda Sagrado Corazon, 1815 S. Eighth St. When an employee noticed, she ran to the door and locked it before calling the police. McPherson then allegedly also tried to open the door. The trio fled empty-handed when they saw police, and McPherson is believed to have discarded the firearm out the window while fleeing.

Hines violated his probation after pleading guilty to a May burglary Sept. 30, according to court records. He was sentenced to three to 23 months in prison and a year of probation.

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.