Community connector


Jennifer Swain was born and raised at 20th and Morris streets. Since then, she has moved only a few blocks to 22nd and Tasker streets, but has drastically changed her Point Breeze community.

“Primarily what I do is, basically, I just connect community members with resources and make referrals,” the Neighborhood Advisory Coordinator for Diversified Community Services, 1529 S. 22nd St., said. “… It’s a safety-net service. I ensure they receive [the help they need].”

Swain, 30, has touched the lives of many people while assisting in humanitarian projects in the Kyrgyz Republic and United Arab Emirates as an Army chaplain’s assistant, as well as teaching English as a second language while stationed in Japan. She especially has made an impact since coming to Diversified in June 2010 — so much so that the Review received two separate nominations for Swain, She, however, is modest in her explanation of her role as community connector.

“I’ve been all over, but I always come right back here to Point Breeze,” Swain, who is a mother to Christian, 2, said. “I want more for myself as well as the community.”

Swain goes above the call of duty in dedicating her personal time and counsel. In her first role at Diversified, she oversaw the Dixon House summer camp, where she made an indelible impression on many young women.

“I would usually take out maybe about five girls, but I don’t pick them on any specific criteria,” she said. “I would typically just take them out. We might shop, have lunch … just talked about what was going on in their lives, what was going on in school.”

For adults, she focuses on making her neighbors see the bigger picture, by providing the education, resources and motivation to improve their lives and the lives of their children, such as with Graduation Coaches Campaign, which aims to increase the city’s graduation rates by 80 percent. Swain became a trainer for the program and runs workshops for community members on how to get involved.

“If we’re not giving our children what they need to propel them forward, they’ll be doing the same thing in 15 years,” she said.

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