Blessing others with decades of service


""Margaret A. Baldwin has been an active force in the area since the age of 16. Five decades later. the 69-year-old remains an inspiration through her work with numerous local organizations. The resident of the 500 block of Mifflin Street traces her drive to help others back to her parents, who were always involved in the community. Later on, Baldwin’s role as the mother of five provided continued inspiration for her endeavors.

The list of groups she has been a part of over the years is a long one. In a good deal of them, her love of children is evident. She is a founding member of the Southeast Philadelphia Collaborative, which offers after-school opportunities to students at the Houston Center, 2029 S. Eighth St. For the past 25 years, she has served as youth director at Mount Enon Baptist Church, Fifth Street and Snyder Avenue.

“I’m trying to get the community to establish some kind of parent league to work with the school system and within the community,” Baldwin said of her efforts to strengthen the family unit.

Currently, she is a member of the Council of Elders at the Agogo Cultural Center, which focuses on allowing Americans of African descent to learn about and gain access to their cultural foundations. Baldwin also is president of the Successful Aging Task Force for the Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania in where she works with seniors who are trying to identify depression.

“I’m actively working on many different projects and trying to get the community involved in different activities,” Baldwin said. “The only way to have a better community is for people to get involved and help with the issues.”