Best intentions


As she deems God her Difference Maker and herself a mere conduit for her creator’s emphasis on educating children, Ella Best is striving to return Grays Ferry to the safe status of her youth. The 51-year-old serves as the president of Don’t Shoot…I Want a Future, which soon will commence its fourth year of promoting knowledge over carnage.

“The area has seen so many changes,” the resident of the 2700 block of Sears Street said, citing the decline in married couples and recreational activities as chief sources of her neighborhood’s plight. “People need to connect more and communicate more.”

A lack of cohesion has resulted in numerous shootings, costing her friends and peace of mind. Instead of succumbing to despair, she decided to repair her community through establishing Don’t Shoot. Its efforts, including book bag giveaways; a spring candy hunt; and a summer kickball league at Donald Finnegan Playground, 1231 S. 30th St., have helped the alumnus of South Philadelphia High School, 2101 S. Broad St., to stress opening rather than hardening one’s heart.

“Little by little, we want kids to see about believing in reaching the American Dream,” Best, who has enjoyed her version as the wife of Norman Best and the loving mother to two children and doting grandmother to five grandchildren, said.

As her turf often seems as if nightmares outnumber dreams, the altruistic figure, who works for a law firm, has found herself organizing anti-violence rallies. Though she and caring colleagues often take somber steps, Best said she believes celebrations of achievement will surpass occasions for bereavement because the community can tolerate no more destruction of its imminent successors by their peers.

“I plan to increase my advocacy by working with a number of groups,” Best, whose recent works include orchestrating a toy drive and a shipment of supplies to an abused women’s shelter, said. “Lack of opportunities and discipline cannot continue.”

As a child, the activist activated her limbs as a carefree explorer of her territory. Generations removed from that, the expanse is begging for newness, and Best, whose next big move will involve finding a physical location for Don’t Shoot, leads the crusade.

“My team members work very hard, so I am not taking more credit than them,” she said of her Difference Maker nod. “We’re in this for the children. None of us will be here forever, so we need to make this life work.”

Contact Staff Writer Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.

Other 2012 Difference Makers

/ Joe Barbuto / Ella Best / Paul Bryson / Nicole Canale /

/ Jasmaine, Jeannine & Jenielle Cook / Erin Dougherty /

/ Duane Davis / Frank Franzini / Adé Fuqua / Bennie & Hilda Hudson /

/ Ray Innaurato / Ed McBride / Jeannine McGuire / Carrolyn Minggia /

/ Teri Ruiz & Leah Vodila / Jeffrey Rush / Rev. John Stabeno /

/ Marina Stamos / Anne Stanfield-Hagert / Charles Stecker / Megan West /