Bean down that road


Authorities arrested a Newbold resident for his supposed robbery of a popular java shop.

As first reported in the Jan. 22 South Philly Review as “A jolt of misfortune,” an individual entered Ultimo Coffee Bar, 1900 S. 15th St., pulled out a weapon and demanded money, receiving $500 from a cash register before running westbound along Mifflin Street. On Tuesday, the United States Marshall’s service, with assistance from South Detective Division, arrested Quontail Silver, of the 1800 block of Hoffman Street, charging the 20-year-old with firearms offenses, possession of an instrument of crime, assault, recklessly endangering another person, robbery and making terroristic threats. He was scheduled for a preliminary hearing yesterday and awaits a March 20 status date.

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.