Another victory dance


When students come to DanceAdelphia, 1100 Snyder Ave., they don’t like leaving. It doesn’t seem to matter that there is a 9 p.m. closing time. It explains why the place has earned the Readers’ Choice for extracurricular destination for youth.

Owner Jason Douglas is no stranger to this annual awarding occasion, as his studio earned the top ballet program crown in 2014, which was proceeded by top honors for dance studio.

“I am honored,” he said of the crowning moment. “I change with the times, but I still have the foundation of what my grandparents gave to us.”

His mother Anna Marie DiEgidio starting giving dance lessons in 1956 at Seventh and Federal streets in the bottom floor of a building her parents, Peter and Mary Yanetti, had bought two years earlier to suit her dancing passion. Today, whether he is teaching hip-hop, ballet, tap or any other discipline, Douglas continues to instill the valuable lessons that have been passed down from previous generations.

“Everyone is given a fair shot no matter their abilities,” he said. “If you believe in a kid, they will come through. It’s about making people feel confident.”

Participants start as young as three and go all the way up to adult. Some do not speak a word of English, which is just fine, as Douglas encourages counting in a variety of languages. Douglas also keeps things fun with activities ranging from a St. Patty’s Dance Celebration, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, to an American Ninja Warrior obstacle course.

“We’re not just a neighborhood studio,” Douglas said.

The Edward O’Malley Athletic Association scored a second-place finish while the Christian Street YMCA ended up third.

Contact Editor Bill Gelman at or ext. 121.