Alleged school burglar caught


Police obtained an arrest warrant for a man who allegedly stole from a Whitman school less than three weeks after the crime. The West Passyunk man was arrested last week.

Melvin White, 26, of the 2000 block of South Bonsall Street, was arrested about a month after robbing a second school, William W. Bodine High School, of laptops, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said.

White is believed to have nabbed five Apple laptops — valued at $10,000 — from room 403 in the John H. Taggart School, 400 W. Porter St., between 2:15 p.m. June 2 and 7:35 a.m. June 3, Tolliver said.

Latent prints taken inside room 403 led detectives to White, Tolliver said. His arrest warrant was issued June 21.

On Nov. 15, 23 Apple laptops, valued at $28,800, were taken from the Northern Liberties high school, Tolliver said. Prints once again matched White. An arrest warrant for that crime was obtained Dec. 7.

At 2:20 p.m. Dec. 13, police arrested White on the 3200 block of Dickinson Street, Tolliver said. He was charged with two counts of criminal mischief, burglary, criminal trespassing, unlawful taking, receiving stolen property, as well as one count of criminal trespassing.

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.

Also in this week’s Police Report:
Robbery victim killed
Alleged gunman sought
Try, try again
$25,000 stolen
Lot bandits
O Christmas tree