A Universal Company managed community garden gets a cleanup


Workers, volunteers and community members came together on a rainy Sunday morning to help fix up their local neighborhood community garden on 15th and Christian streets. Along with volunteers, people from PowerCorps PHL came out to help, too. The organization Wellness of You/Universal Companies organic community garden was started five years ago by Faatimah Gamble when The Wellness of You was its own organization before merging with Universal, 800 S. 15th St. This organization also has many schools in the Philadelphia area including, Alcorn Charter Elementary, 3200 Dickinson St.; Audenried Charter High School, 3301 Tasker St.; Institute Charter, 1415 Catharine St.; and Vare Charter, 2100 S. 24th St.

Nikkia Moss, the Wellness Manager for Wellness of you/Universal Companies, was excited to get this location cleaned up and happily watched as people showed up to help “spruce up the garden,” which high school learners and neighborhood residents help to oversee.

“You have to pay $125 to own a plot; anybody can apply to pay for one,” Moss said.

Space purchasers can plant vegetables and/or plants. Planting these organic items can be a good choice for those who are looking to eat healthier meals, which is what Moss is trying to promote through this organization.

The garden had about 25 plots, with each containing thriving plants or vegetables. People who came to volunteer helped clean up the garden by de-weeding, removing vines, planting/landscaping and garden plot sign making. Each volunteer was ready to help out and get the area cleaned.

“Im glad to get the chance to be here, to help out this community,” Angelo Mattia, who volunteered for the five-hour event, said.

Even though there was rainy weather, volunteers pulled through and got the job done. One volunteer was asked if the weeds on the floor along the gate had to be cleaned up, and they said “Yes, but it will be easier to get them up with a shovel.” They then started digging up weeds to make it easier for others to clean them up. They were eager to help, and each one showed interest in wanting to make the space look better than it had before.

This is not the only garden they have cleaned up, as over the years they have helped many other community spaces. This is also not the last garden that they will be tidying either. The Wellness of You/Universal Companies will continue to clean up places that need the help and promote a healthy and organic lifestyle. They recently hosted a June 22 event with Honey Grow, an all-natural food location with two plots in the Community Garden. Sunday’s event was chosen because it stood out as a place that could use help being cleaned up. Organizers hope that by addressing these gardens, they can promote the community and neighborhood that surrounds it.

This organization is something that is good to have around for people and children to get to do. Not only is it helpful to the society, but it also gives kids the chance to do something better than hanging around the streets, which is a problem among many young people these days. They can see where healthy foods are grown and how they can help to keep these vegetables and plants growing. It teaches people about health and how to keep things nice and clean.

“It was a good activity,” Moss said. “We do plan on hosting more events there. This was just like a spring cleaning for our garden. We are trying to promote it and do more activities.” 

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