A thoughtful arrangement


While putting a loved one to rest is a hardship that we will all endure, the services that Murphy Ruffenach and Brian Donnelly Funeral homes, 2239 S. Third St., offer look to placate the feelings of grief. The business has existed since 1915 residing on the corner of Third and Wolf streets and though Murphy Ruffenach and Brian Donnelly Funeral Homes are nearly a century old, they still look to advance with the times. The Whitman establishment uses an online website that takes advantage of some of the technology readily available. Tribute videos can be made through the funeral home website and additionally people can webcast a service in case a friend or family member cannot attend.

Murphy Ruffenach and Brian Donnelly Funeral Homes also helps connect a person to 24/7 online grief support accessible via their website.

With the priority put on technology aiding grief and a continued vision of funerals that really celebrate a person life rather than following a set script, the Readers’ Choice award went to the institution. Owner and supervisor Brian Donnelly feels it is their duty to be different, as he added, “Our dedication to personal service and our ability to think outside the norm allow us to offer truly unique services that go far beyond the ‘cookie cutter’ type funeral offered elsewhere. Whether it be the use of a classic hearse for an old car lover or one of our custom woven tapestries, we believe that a funeral should reflect how our customers lived their lives.”

The owners are also active members in their local community, as they support Our Lady of Mount Caramel Church, other worship sites and a multitude of charitable organizations in the area.

Monti-Rago Funeral Home, Inc. eased grave matters in second place, while Carto Funeral Home Inc. helped to pay tribute in third.

Contact the South Philly Review at editor@southphillyreview.com.