A ruckus among us


At 12:05 a.m. Saturday, authorities responded to multiple calls for a large fight on the highway and learned two men had begun the matter inside the 2nd Street Shooters Clubhouse, 1438 S. Front St., Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. Multiple witnesses noted that upon the commencement of the incident, security for the private event ushered everyone outside, where the brawl continued.

The initial complainant struck his head on the pavement following a knock to the ground from an unknown individual, with the offender supposedly stepping on his stomach. A second victim received a laceration to his head from an unknown object, an injury that resulted in a trip to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where personnel inserted 12 staples. The third and fourth complainants endured blows from unidentified people, receiving unspecified injuries that necessitated a trip to Methodist Hospital. The final victim suffered a lip laceration from a mystery figure and also received treatment at Methodist.

For his alleged participation in the melee, law enforcement officials arrested Ryan Morris, of the 2600 block of South Iseminger Street, and charged the 26-year-old with simple and aggravated assault and recklessly endangering another person. He posted his $3,000 bail and awaits an April 21 preliminary hearing.