65th Anniversary: Updating our status


The very first edition of the So. 7th Street News (now the South Philly Review) was published in 1947. Leon Levin purchased the paper two years later. My wife and I had the good fortune to buy the paper from his family in ’86.

At that point, the paper was essentially a “shopper” where almost all of the pages were nothing but ads. Since then, the South Philly Review has grown up to serve as The Paper of Record for the South Philadelphia Community. It has received more awards from local, regional and national judges than many of us have had hot dinners.

It has survived three increasingly challenging recessions, gone from old-fashioned to high-tech production and launched its newest website design in 2009.You also can subscribe to the South Philly Review e-Newsletter at southphillyreview.com.

It has several folks there who have been on the team for between 20 and (almost) 40 years. They are still young, in both head and heart. Every member of the team is a vital part of the life blood and soul of the paper, mirroring constantly who is who, what’s up and down, and as much of everything they can cover that’s going on in South Philadelphia.

Bottom line: Whether or not you live off of Snyder Avenue or have moved to Alaska, you can always read your Review at any time of day. Why? Because a dedicated and passionate crew — many of whom are long-term residents of your community — are is there to create it for you.

Why are they all there? Because they really do care about you, your family and all of your neighbors. Your challenges and successes, your daily needs, hopes and desires are what the paper and its digital cousins strive to reflect — with credibility and honesty.

Some people think the days of newspapers are over. We completely disagree. We successfully continue to bring our local readers together with our local advertisers. Through good times and tough times, we are there. We can and will remain there. The information you need will still be available in print. It also will be available increasingly in electronic form, especially as mobile phones and so-called tablets like the iPad become cheaper to make and easier to afford.

In short, we feel honored to be Your Local Paper. We give you our word that we’ll give it everything we’ve got to keep it that way, whether printed or otherwise, for the next 65 years. SPR

Anthony Clifton
Chairman & CEO
Review Publishing

Contact the South Philly Review at editor@southphillyreview.com.