2010 Primary: 175th District


For the 175th District, Queen Village resident Daryl La Fountain aims to unseat state Rep. Michael H. O’Brien and face off against fellow Queen Villager Louis S. Schwartz in the General Election. The district covers sections of the city from the Northeast to South Philly including Queen Village and parts of Bella Vista, Passyunk Square and Pennsport. Each state representative is elected to a two-year term.


La Fountain, son of Rod and Sharon, grew up in Lancaster County with his five siblings. Now of Fifth and Catharine streets, La Fountain, resides with partner Daniel Wilhelm and currently works at University of the Arts as a controller in the Student Financial Services office. He formerly held the same position  for a Drexel-Hill based auto dealership.

With a background in social work and accounting, the Millersville University grad believes he can provide the needed leadership for the district.

“I decided to run because I know we can do better,” the 33-year-old said. “There’s a lot of issues right now — budgetary issues that need be addressed and they need to be addressed not only from a fiscal mind but a social service mind.”

He also served as the volunteer coordinator for 18 states across the country during Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, which he said “was the most exciting thing I’ve every done in my life.”

For local residents, he wants to expand the tax base and bring jobs back.

“That’s everyone’s biggest concern right now,” La Fountain said. “Where are they going to work and how are they going to feed their families?"

For more information, visit www.darylfor175.com.


O’Brien, who has held the seat since 2007, is a graduate of La Salle University. He currently serves on the education, gaming oversight, liquor control, state government and urban affairs committees. He and his wife Rita have two children, Bridget and Michael, and reside in Fishtown.

For more information, visit www.pahouse.com/obrien.

On the Republican ticket is Schwartz, a lawyer from Queen and Fitzwater streets. The 46-year-old hails from the Northeast where parents Harry and Irene raised him and his two siblings, but more than two years ago he moved to Queen Village with his wife Mirit and their 2-year-old daughter, Isabella.

After graduating from George Washington University with a degree in psychology and speech communication and Western New England School of Law, he worked for a Montgomery County judge followed by Delaware County firm, Dozor and Auslander, for eight years. Schwartz founded his Center City practice —  focusing on consumer rights — in 1996.


The 10-year member of the Golden Slipper Club ran for district attorney in 2005 and also is the Republican committeeman for the 2nd ward, 27th division, so when the Republican City Committee asked him to run, he stepped up.

“I’m an attorney, so law and politics is always a complete mix,” he said. “That was one reason. Secondly, they needed a candidate.”

Schwartz helped to establish Traffic Court appellate procedures and now he hopes to have an impact on South Philly.

“It’s all about quality of life,” he said. “All politics is local, so it’s about no gambling, it’s about no flash mobs, it’s about an acceptable waterfront, it’s about fighting high property taxes. I think I bring a likeability to the office I hope to bring a visibility and outreach that I think is lacking.”

For more information, visit www.louissschwartz.com.