Da Vinci Art Alliance debuts pandemic-inspired exhibit

Image courtesy of Da Vinci Art Alliance

A new exhibit at the Da Vinci Art Alliance examines how isolation and the pandemic as a whole have affected individuals. 

Titled “Moral Obligation,” photographer Ellen Rosenberg and painter Aaron Kalinay are looking to share their individual perspectives on how the pandemic has elicited a change in how people view the world and how it is translated through art. The exhibit also aims to show viewers how two artists can comprehend the same experience in different ways.  

Kalinay said the exhibit mostly represents his struggle to find a sense of calm over the last two years he has spent in isolation. 

“Isolation has created a contemplative space to realize what I value and find meaningful,” Kalinay said in a press release. “People, including myself, were quickly thrust from trying to be calm, collected and Zen as we quarantine isolated at home into a state of fury and passion as awareness of longstanding injustice and pain was thrust into our lives.”

On the other hand, Rosenberg said she drew inspiration from her experiences visiting her hometown of New Orleans throughout the pandemic. 

“Through these portraits, I am looking to celebrate a small part of the traditions that keep us moving forward,” Rosenberg said. “I hope that this work will bring a smile to your face and light your heart, allowing us to remember that as our ancestors did before us, we will get through this together, and rise again even better.”