In the penalty box


A Jersey man pled guilty to assaulting an off-duty North Jersey cop outside of a popular cheesesteak establishment after  the Jan. 2 NHL Winter Classic.

Dennis Veteri, 32, of Sewell, N.J., entered a guilty plea for aggravated assault, conspiracy to commit aggravated assault and simple assault Aug. 28, according to court records. His sentencing has been set for Oct. 26.

A 1998 assault, also in the 3rd District, resulted in time on probation for Veteri, according to court records.

Police released a cell phone video of the scuffle that a bystander captured. Veteri surrendered to South Detective Division 10 days after the incident.

Veteri, along with two others who have not been apprehended, attacked the 30-year-old — an off-duty North Jersey cop who suffered facial contusions, a concussion and a fractured orbital bone — and his 26-year-old friend.

“… he was beaten very viciously and severely,” Capt. Larry Nodiff of South Detective Division said of the older victim after Veteri’s arrest.

See the rest of August’s court wrap-up, including the outcome of animal fighting charges from a 2011 Gray Ferry dog fight, in next week’s issue.

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.

Also in August’s Court Report:
Slayer sentenced
Slayer sentenced

Bad example
Sent to doghouse

In this week’s Police Report:
Fatal aim
Mail-slot break-ins
Wounded on the holiday
September police meetings

Web-exclusive Police Report:
Painful behavior
Eye on the crime
Skull scraper
Taking a piece of the pie