What a home inspection doesn't cover

Don’t fear if inspector isn’t using ‘top tools of the trade’

Barry Stone
Inman News®

DEAR BARRY: In one of your articles, you said, "The essential purpose of home inspection is to disclose property defects." If that is true, why don’t home inspectors use the top tools of the trade, such as thermal cameras, borescopes, and moisture meters?

In my opinion, most home inspectors are retired general contractors with a lock on Realtor referrals.

I am a new home inspector, but I provide a far more thorough inspection than my competitors who don’t use specialized testing equipment. The problem, however, is getting real estate agents to refer me to their clients. They all seem to use the same few home inspectors who have been here forever. Can you offer any help on this? –Mark

DEAR MARK: When I said that the essential purpose of a home inspection is "to disclose property defects," I didn’t mean that the purpose is to disclose every possible property defect. If home inspectors intended to disclose every possible defect, thermal cameras, borescopes and moisture meters would definitely be needed, as you suggest. But even then, the inspections would not be complete.

To provide disclosure of all possible defects, inspectors would need to take air samples for mold, to place test canisters for radon gas, and to sample various materials for possible asbestos fiber and lead content.

But that’s not all.

Home inspections would not be complete without a structural analysis of the foundations, which would require that the inspectors be licensed structural engineers or that they subcontract with a structural engineer on every inspection. Inspectors would also need to take core samples of property sites to ensure geological stability and to evaluate subsurface water drainage characteristics based upon soil composition.

This, of course, would require credentials as a licensed geotechnical engineer. Homes would also need to be tested for electromagnetic fields, for soil contamination, and for off-gassing of synthetic compounds such as urea formaldehyde.

This list could be expanded almost indefinitely if the essential purpose of a home inspection was to disclose all possible property defects.

In truth, home inspections are preliminary visual inspections, not technically exhaustive evaluations. A home inspection is analogous to the routine annual physical that you receive from your doctor. Family physicians don’t do electrocardiograms (EKGs) or CT scans as part of an annual exam. Instead, they look for indications that such tests might be necessary. If so, they refer you to specialists.

In the same way, a competent home inspector is looking for conditions that might warrant further evaluation by specialists such as plumbers, electricians, geotechnical engineers, or registered environmental assessors.

It might surprise you to know how very thorough many home inspectors are in their forensic duties, and how able they are to find significant defects without the use of sophisticated testing devices.

As for referrals by real estate agents, there are many reasons why they recommend particular home inspectors. Some refer the inspectors they believe will provide the most thorough disclosure, while others refer inspectors who are not so thorough and are perceived as less likely to scare away their buyers.

Either way, it takes persistent marketing to develop a base of agents who will routinely recommend you to their clients.

To write to Barry Stone, please visit him on the Web at www.housedetective.com.

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