What is your stance on Mayor Jim Kenney’s three-cents-an-ounce tax on soda sales proposal?



“If it will go to­ward what they’re say­ing it’s go­ing to, I like the idea. Plenty of people buy soda, so I think it would be pretty cool to take that money to help chil­dren and oth­er causes.”

Mikey Ferro,

2300 block of South Rose­wood Street


“I’m for it. I was in fa­vor of May­or Nut­ter’s tax, too. I hope that the tax will do the trick to help schools be­cause they have to get the money from some­where.”

Louis Kessler,

Broad and Wolf streets


“I don’t think it will work. I think he could take oth­er meas­ures to find money for schools. I’m an edu­cat­or, but I don’t see this work­ing as a means to help chil­dren.”

Carol Rosarto,

New Jer­sey

In­ter­views by Joseph My­ers Pho­tos by Tina Gar­ceau