Teenage angst


As many as seven adolescents assaulted a teenager in Newbold.

Police ventured to the 2100 block of South 15th Street at 2:42 p.m. Feb. 4 for a report of a robbery in progress. Meeting with the complainant, they learned he had been walking down that block when at least six, possibly seven, black males approached him from all angles, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said.

One figure pulled out a silver Swiss Army knife and held it to his prey’s stomach while the others took a book bag and emptied the youth’s pockets. They then acquired his cell phone, with the primary criminal demanding “Give me your password, or I’ll stab you.” With the password information, the offenders fled down 15th Street with the gadget, a black wallet that contained $12 and various forms of identification.

Call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit phillypolice.com/forms.