Burning thoughts


To the Editor:

Being an Army veteran, I can understand how emotional people can get when someone burns, stomps or “desecrates” the American Flag! However, if you truly do love this country and what it stands for, do not overreact! “Freedom Of Speech” is hands down the greatest Right we Americans have. But you must understand “Freedom Of Speech” goes both ways. If you witness someone doing something to the American Flag that you don’t like, you have to remember to respect their right to free speech, as others do for you and your actions.

Do I like when these people do this? Absolutely not! But, I am proud to live in a country where its citizens have the right to do this! I love my country, just as much as the next guy/gal. Gave three years of my life serving this great nation. I wanted to ensure our way of life, including the 1st Amendment, lives on. I believe it would be disrespectful to those who have fought and died for the United States and others, so that they too can be free, to have just partial freedom of speech! I love my country and I love my Flag. But above all else, I love what this country stands for, and the rights and freedoms we are all able to exercise! If you get angry when you witness someone doing things to the American Flag that you don’t like, it’s understandable! But when you intervene, or assault someone for doing this, you are now infringing upon their Constitutional right to do so, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is truly anti-American. Think about it.

Chris Doyle
South Philadelphia

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