Crossover success


Kettlebells, plyo boxes, jump ropes and gymnastic rings, squats, burpees, and power lifts, oh my! If any of those elements are intimately familiar, you may have calluses on your hands and a sore back, butt, shoulders and sides. CrossFit , it seems, is officially here to stay – it’s no longer a fad. Back in 2000, Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai founded the now nationwide fitness practice in Santa Cruz, CA. 15 years later and PHL Crossfit , 1414 Darien St., is a South Philly epicenter of the workout regimen.

And with a partnership with the popular, more traditional gym in Passyunk Square, Fitness Works, 714 Reed St., their combined force is pulling South Philadelphians into the Crossfit habit in droves. And PHL Crossfit’s owner, Joseph Renzi, says it’s not just for fitness freaks and super-fit muscleheads. Last week, the age range in his large, open-garage-doors space was 4 to 54 with equal representation from both genders.

It’s true – avid Crossfitters seem to get really into it. But maybe it’s because group fitness helps guide folks seeking muscle but crave guidance. Joe and his team of trainers give you the tools, the form, and the equipment and your workout’s crafted and catered to your own limitations. Perhaps because there are a dozen other sweaty, struggling comrades in the room, it doesn’t seem as agonizing as when you’re grunting and wincing alone.

PHL Crossfit and Fitness works cleaned up in this new category but Sweat secured many votes, as well.

Staff Writer Bill Chenevert at or ext. 117.