Questioning authority


To the Editor:

The governor of Pennsylvania has taken on false authority to halt the death penalty from Pennsylvania law.

The legislatures of state who represent the people of their respective state make the laws for their state in our Democratic republic governments as declared by Abraham Lincoln in his 1863 address at Gettysburg, government of, by and for the people, in reference to the federal government, and is true for our state and local governments.

Our laws are written and passed to reflect the will of the people from whom all authority proceed through our god-given right to self-government referred to in our Declaration of Independence, not self-given false authority of one or many politicians.

Such acts weaken the authority of the legislature and the people and make the legislature to be salaried useless drones. No governor of any state has authority to void or repeal a law requiring a death penalty that has been passed by the state legislature. It is an illegitimate, despotic act and that of a tyrant on the part of all governors who have done this.

The legislature and courts of Pennsylvania should condemn this despotic act and relevant departments, bureaucracies and agencies should ignore it.

This letter has been sent to various members of Pennsylvania’s government.

Alfred Essex
South Philadelphia

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