Countering the storms


To the Editor:

We all realize the wretched and unbearable havoc these heavy-handed snowstorms and blizzards that wreak down on us — five to 10 or more inches — is left to be dealt with. The manpower, equipment, expensive salt and the trauma left us. How would you like to see all of these white mountains almost immediately vaporized right before your eyes? Impossible, you say?

Ever wonder why no nation in the world has yet to discover a solution for this white havoc? Well, little dopey me has a fix-all solution that has been in plain sight for all to see. Even the very healthy giants of businesses throughout the world missed this by the proverbial mile. Imagine the automobile industry being the very first to utilize this unique and practical method vaporizing snow and ice and turning it into plain warm water that will flow into our sewers. Heat emitting diodes, compounds of a laser, of controlled temperatures that are adjustable to melt ice and snow. These units can be placed under, in front, back and sides of cars and trucks with shields to deflect the beams of light to protect from damage to people and properties. Hey, someone who has a bit of foresight and financial resource can make buckets of money. I cannot do these things any more for obvious reasons.

If anyone cannot see the logic and potential of this undisputable and practical idea, I say, “woe to all for the loss and distress!” Just imagine the great control over these storms it would give us all, and what it would do for businesses. No more closed schools.

Frank Cavallaro
South Philadelphia

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