With the recent Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in mind, what is your dream for America?



“I think people should stop being selfish and ignorant and start treating people the way that they would want to be treated.”

Megan Daniels,
Broad and Jackson streets


“America could have a much better economy, and we should have more jobs available for people. There should also be more money put into the schools.”

Calli Chen,
Broad and Jackson streets


“There should be more job openings; health care should be made more affordable. We need freedom of speech, well, more freedom of speech and less discrimination, too.”

Lyes Kasmi,
Broad and Tasker streets


“People need to take more opportunities and gain more knowledge about our overall situation.”

Kashief Butler,
Broad and Jackson streets

Contact the South Philly Review at editor@southphillyreview.com.