Far from peaceful


To the Editor:

I am the furthest thing from an expert in matters of religion. But I do know that when followers of a “religion” murder people in the name of their “God,” they are nothing more than a bunch of savage murderers. When the non-violent members of that “religion” sit back and do not protest the blatant manipulation of their beliefs, they, too, are culpable! I am an avid believer that silence equals consent.

More people have been murdered in the name of a God than all of the deaths caused by war combined. I hope people are tired of hearing every single day about beheadings, torture, suicide bombers, lynchings, kidnappings, hijackings, beatings, mass murder, mass graves and any other horrid action perpetrated by followers of that “religion of peace”! If that is the best this religion offers, this cult should be eradicated, at the very least, to stop future innocents from being murdered.

Now I realize a lot of my statements can be considered “politically incorrect.” Guess what? I don’t care. That “religion of peace” is humanly incorrect. There are going to be many tough decisions on how we should proceed. Remember, we did not choose this path, we have been forced to travel this road by religious zealots who hate those whose beliefs differ from their own. I have a few ideas, do you?

Chris Doyle
South Philadelphia

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