Doubly devious


A pair of at-large men assaulted two males in Passyunk Square.

As he and a friend rode along their bicycles at 12:21 a.m. Dec. 15, the first complainant stopped on the 1500 block of South Eighth Street to ask an unknown male for a light for his cigar, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The figure stepped in front of the bicycle and demanded the requester’s cell phone and money.

An accomplice soon approached, and the individuals started punching and kicking the initial complainant, resulting in minor hand and knee scratches that did not require immediate medical treatment and the loss of his phone, backpack and bicycle. Initially unaware that his friend had stopped, the other complainant looked back and observed the fracas, leading him to attempt to end the altercation.

Instead, the men pushed him against a wall, went inside his pockets and stole $160, a cell phone, a black backpack and his bicycle. The two then fled the area, with the victims catching them heading toward Dickinson Street. Police surveyed the area and recovered the rides in the area of the 1500 block of South Iseminger Street and returned them to the owners, who described the first attacker as white, 26 years old and 5-foot-3; having black curly hair and a stocky build and wearing all black clothing; and the second as white, 25 years old and 5-foot-1; having a stocky build; and wearing all black clothing.

To report information, call South Detectives’ tip line at 215-685-1635 or visit

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