Alleged shooter nabbed


Authorities nabbed Ali Shaffiat, of the 1400 block of South 12th Street, May 13 in connection with a firearms incident three days earlier. They charged the 31-year-old with aggravated assault and related offenses for supposedly shooting at a woman in the city’s Washington Square section.

At 7:20 p.m. May 10, officers responded to a shooting at 425 S. Broad St., meeting with the complainant who said that a few minutes earlier, she was driving along Lombard Street when the operator of a red 1995-’99 Mitsubishi Eclipse began to blow his horn while hanging out the driver’s side window, police said. When she turned onto Broad Street, she heard two gunshots, with one breaking the rear window of her vehicle, which contained another adult female and a four-month-old girl. All three escaped injury-free, with the shooter taking off west on Lombard Street.

Central Detectives conducted a search of all vehicle investigations involving a red Mitsubishi Eclipse within the city, resulting in a suspect and vehicle match. They requested all automatic license plate reads from the Real Time Crime Center and hit on a positive match to the surveillance video-depicted vehicle. They conducted a search for the automobile and located it on the 800 block of Fernon Street with the license plate removed.

Contacting the 31-year-old Shaffiat, authorities located him on the 1600 block of South Seventh Street, where they arrested him.

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.