Lack of Patriotic pride


To the Editor:

I just burn [up] that those who come to America from foreign countries find jobs, open businesses, become successful, buy homes, and have families, and are able to send money to relatives overseas, but will not spend several lousy dollars for an American flag to fly proudly in front of their properties. Strong case, in front of the business corridor on South Shunk Street and from Porter Street to Moore streets, there is not one single flag on the entire perimeter. Even more disgraceful are the American-born citizens in the Italian Market on South Ninth Street.

On such a holy sanctimonious day, we should honor and remember those killed in battle. The sick feeling forced on me driving throughout South Philly and counting just 13 American flags. There was much partying with drinking and grills going full blast. I am so very proud to be an American that has given me so very much that I fly not one but two flags on every patriotic holiday. What has become of yesterday when almost every house proudly displayed American emblems?

“The home of the brave and the land of the free” completely passed by and I say: Shame on you. Now get back to your grill and beer. I truly believe an issue should be made by all of this. But isn’t that a terrible shame though? Especially South Street, with its huge success, fails to honor the country who gave them the privilege to display our flag.

Someone must make an issue of this disgusting lack of patriotism and honor the country, for America has turned rather into one huge party. That simply sickens me, and should [sicken] you too. I remember when it was treated for what it was meant to be: Somberly, and respectfully. There is, after all, a time to party but also a time for reflection.

Frank Cavallaro
South Philadelphia