Gina’s Never-ending Vanilla Extract


With Valentine’s Day two weeks away, many folks will make candy manufacturers very happy helpers in their quest to express affection. While Gina Lucas would not slight the vendors’ capitalistic calling, the resident of the 1300 block of East Passyunk Avenue would definitely not mind if more people concocted homemade treats using her Never-ending Vanilla Extract recipe. 

The most common form of vanilla in use today, vanilla extract has many popular varieties, including Indonesian, Mexican and Tahitian, but the Passyunk Square dweller advocates for a personal touch in involving the bean-based boon to goodies for loved ones. As evidenced by her directions, a little independence can go a long way. 


1 vanilla bean

1/3 of a cup of vodka
1 glass bottle or jar with a tight-fitting lid


Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise, and place in bottle or jar, covering it completely with the vodka. Shake well, and store it in a kitchen cabinet for two to three months. 

This can be used in all baking recipes. When only half of the extract remains, add more vodka, and return to the storage space. 

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