Mercy mercy us


To the Editor:

Just how much more poisoning of our ground, air and seas can our planet tolerate before it becomes a cinder like so many other destroyed planets throughout our universe? We humans were made the guardians of our home planet; it is the only place we have to live on in the entire cosmos, so why are we tolerating the destruction of it?

The powers that be supposedly cleaned up the huge oil spill into our oceans, but most of that oil not collected now remains one huge clump on the ocean’s bottom, remaining to keep poisoning it with worldwide consequence. Now our government is pawning off the untruth of chemical weapons being neutralized but with no other country allowing it to be dumped on their lands, especially Syria where it should be dumped in the first place. The U.S. admits to vexing diplomatic and security problems and decided to plop all this deadly poison in international oceans, further polluting already poisoned seas.

U.S. officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about it. In other words, they can’t tell the truth that they are about to pour more poison into an already crippled body. These people who are on the path of destroying our planet should be charged with attempted murder of once pristine but now heavily damaged seas that are almost incapable of resurgence and will soon be dead if their onslaught isn’t stopped right now.

What about all the countries stockpiled with chemical weapons that sooner or later will have to be addressed and destroyed? Will that too wind up in our oceans? Somehow, somewhere, someone has to care and once and for all put a dead stop to the slaughter of our oceans. Someone had better start caring because pretty soon we won’t have to care about cancer. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap” says it all.

Frank Cavallaro
South Philadelphia

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