Mark Anthony


Throughout his nearly three-decade affiliation with the Delaware Valley Youth Athletic Association, 2840 S. 18th St., including the last 16 years as its president, Anthony Benedetto Sr. has diligently displayed his desire to have children realize maturing as good sports matters more than seeking flawless seasons. While helping them to contextualize wins and losses, he has emerged as an unblemished victor.

“I really enjoy being here,” the 66-year-old resident of the 2000 block of South 19th Street said of his service to the Marconi site. “It’s been great to make lasting friendships and see so many kids excel.”

The graduate of South Philadelphia High School, 2101 S. Broad St., began his relationship with the 62-year-old spot when son Anthony, one of four children to come from his 45-year marriage to Diane, started T-ball in 1984. When watching a game three years into his offspring’s tenure, he observed older gentlemen struggling with maintenance duties and realized upon helping them how useful he could be to the location’s operations. He became a club member and gradually acquired different leadership roles, with the presidency sealing his dedication to bettering the association’s baseball and football programs.

“I took a responsibility, so I’ve had to follow it and keep stuff running smoothly,” the volunteer, who since his ’99 retirement as a union carpenter has made the strengthening of the association his second vocation, said of his duties, which have included upkeep of the fields, referee assignments, fundraising efforts and interaction with parents. “I’ve had great help along the way, especially from the coaches, who understand the importance of including every kid because we don’t equate anything we do here with winning or losing.”

Overseeing 23 sets of diamond dwellers and 24 gridiron units, Benedetto has enjoyed witnessing generational appreciation for the in-house leagues, with the children of his son’s peers now developing their athletic and emotional maturity. Finding that opportunity special, the humble individual uses it as one of many ways through which he sees his longevity as having more to do with others’ enthusiasm than his own talent but admitted to feeling honored to gain difference maker distinction.

“I’ve benefited from many people being involved,” he said. “In terms of being recognized, I’m just glad there are people who look at things that way and think to say ‘Thanks.’ I’ve never looked for any ‘Thank you,’ but I appreciate this.”

Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124.

2013 Difference Makers

/ Bruce Baldwin / Anthony Benedetto Sr. / Lou Berman / Beth Coleman /

/ Diane DellaVella / Phyllis DiLemmo /

/ Roe and Jim Gallo / Tyrique Glasgow / Ali Hackett / Deborah Holmes /

/ Kat Kendon / Harry McKay / Jaime Pannone / Juanita Perkins-Qui /

/ Gaetano Piccirilli / Megan Rosenbach / Ted Scairato Sr /

/ Rich Sisman / Dan Stevenson / Paula Terreri / Lynn Oakes West / Lawrence Whitaker / Robert Wilbowe / Ilene Wilder /