Robbed twice


An unknown man swiped a pastry and then cash from a Newbold/Point Breeze corner store Sunday.

The thief entered New Market Grocery store, 1800 S. 17th St., and took treat at 10:05 a.m., Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. When the 62-year-old male owner demanded payment, the man pointed a black gun at him and fled through the store. The storeowner pursued him, but then the thief returned to the store, taking $150 from the register before fleeing again.

The robber was described as black, in his late 20s, 6 foot, 175 pounds, having facial hair and wearing a long, white T-shirt and jeans.

To report information, call South Detectives’ tip line at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.