When in Rome, sing


The members of St. Edmond’s choir are on a mission from God. Their destination is Italy, where they will embark on an eight-day journey that will culminate with a performance in the Vatican in front of the Pope.

All they need now is the money to get there.

Enter the Munier Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra, who will hold a benefit concert Sunday afternoon at the 21st Street and Snyder Avenue church.

The orchestra, which has been operating in and around South Philly for more than 46 years, promises to captivate the audience with music from a bygone era. The band’s namesake, Carlo Munier, was a mandolin virtuoso who brought the instrument’s popularity to a new high before his death in 1911.

"The sound is glorious, especially in the confines of this church," said conductor Cris Ianni.

Indeed, listeners are enveloped by the sound of the 25-piece orchestra as each song builds in complexity, and before long they may feel as though they have been transported to a picturesque village in Italy.

"It’s a shame that more professional musicians don’t play the mandolin," Ianni said. "The music sounds fresh, and the beauty of it is timeless."

The timeless nature of the music may be what appeals most to the members of the orchestra, who hail from diverse backgrounds. Some are only in their 30s and 40s, while others are "more advanced," said Ianni.

One of the most advanced musicians is 98-year-old mandola player Frank Semola.

"For a lot of people, music is life," Semola said. "I’ve been doing this for over 80 years, and I still love it."

Choir director Cathy Perkin had desired to do "something spectacular" with her 28-member choir and was elated when she received a letter from the Vatican last August inviting them to sing for Pope John Paul II. The choir also will perform at a Pentecostal Mass and a concert for the city of Rome.

Perkin hopes to raise between $50,000 and $75,000 for the trip, and said that thanks to the generosity of the St. Edmond’s parishioners, they’re closing in on $40,000.

The idea to have the orchestra hold a benefit concert came from Perkin’s pastor, who saw them perform a few summers ago at an Italian festival in Girard Park.

"It’s been a delight to work with them, and they really sound magnificent," said Perkin.

For the members of Munier Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra, the delight is all theirs.

"There aren’t a lot of halls left to play down here, so we enjoy any chance we get to bring this beautiful music to people’s ears," Ianni said.

The Munier Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra’s benefit concert will be held at St. Edmond’s Church, 21st Street and Snyder Avenue, Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10 . To make a donation to St. Edmond’s choir, call Cathy Perkin at 215-334-3755.