Tap into fall


Autumn often comes with a hint of nostalgia. Shore houses have been closed up for the season, bathing suits and beach toys have been put into storage, and everyone is coming back to the city, dragging their feet along the way. The long, sleepy feeling of vacation is over and, for kids, homework is once again piling up.

But there are great parts about the coming of cooler days, too — and not just the return of The Edge (though surely that’s what most of you were thinking, right?) While it sometimes nears ghost-town territory in the hot months around here — with most making their mad dash for the water’s edge — fall brings a bustle of happenings that get even the biggest beach fan looking forward to coming back. The lull of action summer casts over South Philly has ended and shows, parties and openings are filling up the calendar.

The biggest bash on the radar for this week is an open house hosted by Bella Vista Beer Distributors Oct. 5. Open to the public, the owners are expecting about 500 people to join in the festivities. Marking their move up the street from 738 S. 11th — where it has set up shop for more than a decade — to 755 S. 11th, there will be free food and, of course, beer, which will be poured by different vendors from around the country starting at noon. A few West Coast-based brewing companies will launch new brews at the party and local favorites, such as Yards, will be on tap as well, while local band The Suntownes will bust out their laid-back reggae sound throughout the day.

This grand celebration doubles as the official opening of the new 40,000-square-foot venue that will provide beer and only beer. Making the shift from the concrete, garage-like style of most distributors, the new site aims to look more like a shrine to suds.

"We want people to feel comfortable," Jordan Fetfatzes, who runs the place with brother Chris, said. "You’re still going to walk into a warehouse, but it won’t feel like a warehouse."

Looks are important, but it’s the diverse selection from around the world that makes Bella Vista stand apart. Between all the gastropubs and fancy brew affairs, the high-end trend has been making its way through Philly the past couple years, and Bell Vista is jumping on the wagon.

While scraping the plaster off during renovations, Chris said a pre-Prohibition advertisement that reads "Philadelphia’s Best Beer" was uncovered and has been dated back to 1840. With the new facility, the brothers hope to make that sign ring true. They’ll house more than 1,200 international beers and, adding a bit of class, there will be a Belgian abbey in the store with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, stone flooring, and a clock tower.

"It pays homage to Belgium beer," Jordan said. "We’ve designed the room to be completely devoted to Belgium beer."

Another cool perk is the do-it-yourself beer kits. With help from George Hummel, owner of Home Sweet Home Brew at 20th and Sansom streets, Chris and Jordan plan on selling packages so you can make beer at your own house.

These efforts at being a unique distributor, Jordan said, were triggered by the realization South Philly has morphed into a different type of place than when his dad opened Bella Vista Beer in 1984.

"The neighborhood is changing — new people are coming in and there’s more diversity," Jordan said. "The pace is changing and we’re being pro-active."


Bella Vista, along with its surrounding neighborhoods, is seeing a lot of new action — converted galleries, new boutiques, cafes and restaurants all have been adding to the refreshing bustle, which means fall is sure to see its share of happenings. If the docket is anything like last year, it will be a good season, so who cares if the slow days of summer are over? There’s tons to do now that the autumn days have hit.

And really, didn’t you miss living on The Edge?

Got something cool for The Edge? Spill it at lexc@southphillyreview.com.