Brutal bar brawl


A verbal fight inside a neighborhood bar turned physical and spilled outside onto the streets at 6:05 a.m. Saturday.

When police arrived at the 5200 block of Woodland Avenue, the large crowd of men involved in the altercations had scattered, but a 36-year-old was left on the ground with a head wound, according to a police report.

Police were told at the scene the fight began inside the bar with four men — including the victim — stepping outside, where one used a black bat to hit the man in the back of the head multiple times, a report stated. The victim was transported to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

To report information, call Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183.

Off with his phone

A teen was robbed of his cellphone at gunpoint while walking home Saturday night.

The 15-year-old was struck on his head from behind with an unknown object on the 2600 block of Bonaffon Street at 9:45 p.m. and told, "give me everything you got."

After handing over his phone, the perpetrator fled east, going toward 67th Street and Dicks Avenue, a report said. The male mugger was described as thin, age 16 or 17, with dark skin and wearing a black hoody and blue jeans.

To report information, call Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183.

Cut in the mouth

A woman was allegedly hit with a hammer by her significant other Saturday morning during a verbal dispute, a police report stated.

The 31-year-old told police the pair began arguing about her boyfriend, Lavaren Gorman, 31, of the 1100 block of South Divinity Street, coming home late. Police saw blood on the victim’s jacket, face and the hammer, and there also was a cut in her mouth, according to a report.

Gorman was charged with aggravated assault, domestic abuse and related charges.

’10 seconds to run’

Two robbers pistol-whipped a man before taking his belongings and telling him, "you got 10 seconds to run" in the pre-dawn hours Monday morning.

The 25-year-old was walking north on Woodland Avenue when the duo emerged from a green or black Dodge Intrepid and one hit the victim on the back of the neck with a silver revolver, a police report said. Forcing the victim to the 2100 block of Alden Street, the two rummaged through his pockets taking his cellphone, wallet, identification and SEPTA TransPass.

To report information, call Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183.

Restaurant robbery

A female worker had a black semi-automatic handgun held to her head by one of three men looking to rob Memdee’s Restaurant, 6761 Guyer Ave., noon Feb. 13.

According to reports, the gunman demanded money and instructed the 52-year-old to get on the floor after opening the register, a police report stated. The trio fled on foot, going south on the 2700 block of 68th Street with $150.

The employee was not injured during the heist, a police report said.

Two of the suspects were described as black, ages 20 to 25, with medium builds; one was 5-foot-10, 175 pounds and wearing black clothing; the second was said to be 5-foot-6, 150 pounds and wearing a black hooded jacket. The third suspect was described as black, age 28 to 32, 240 pounds, with a goatee and wearing a yellow hooded jacket with a logo on the back.

To report information, call Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183.

Gunpoint mugging

While getting in his car at 69th and Garman streets, a 36-year-old was approached at 6:40 p.m. Feb. 12 by two men, one of whom steadied a black handgun on him and said, "give it up." The gunman then searched the victim’s pockets, taking his cellphone and $20.

The muggers fled on foot, going east from 69th Street and Buist Avenue.

The suspects were described as black, ages 17 to 20, 5-foot-7, 150 to 160 pounds. The first offender was said to be light-skinned and wearing a gray hoody, while the other wore a black jacket.

To report information, call Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183.

Fundraiser for Pawlowski family

The Fraternal Order of Police is holding a fundraiser for the family of Officer John Pawlowski, who was shot and killed on the job Friday night at Broad and Olney streets.

Set for 5 to 10 p.m. Feb. 20 at the FOP Lounge at Philadelphia Lodge 5, 1336 Spring Garden St., tickets are $15 and include draft beer and food.

Pawlowski, 25, was on the force for five years and is survived by wife Kim, who is expecting their first child in a few months.

Got a police item? Contact Staff Writer Amanda L. Snyder at or 215-336-2500 ext. 117.