Master of ceremonies


Many times, a strong work ethic and a courteous temperament are seen as mutually exclusive, but Abigail Vare third-grader Jacky Nguyen has not only become adept at both, he has learned how the balance of each is paramount to success.

And it has caught the attention of teacher Maryann Cardia, who describes Jacky as a “wonderful young man.”

“He is bright and excels academically. He also is a kind and friendly classmate who is always willing to lend a helping hand to a friend,” she said.

The 9-year-old has been rewarded for his efforts with his school’s Citizenship and Principal awards, as well as a spot on the Honor Roll. But Jacky’s pleasant, gregarious, intuitive and outgoing personality also helps the resident of the 700 block of Mifflin Street stand at the head of his class.

“His vibrant personality has also enabled him to be the master of ceremonies at our School Awards Assembly,” Cardia said. “Jacky is able to work cooperatively with any of his peers.”

In math — his strongest subject, — Jacky is described a “great problem solver” by his teacher.

“He offers thoughtful strategies and solutions to simple, as well as complex problems,” Cardia said.

Outside the halls of the school at 1621 E. Moyamensing Ave., Jacky enjoys playing basketball or PlayStation 3, as well as reading. Though he isn’t sure where his ambitions will lead, Jacky is giving early consideration to taking over his parents business when he gets older.

Regardless of where he winds up, a bright personality surely will light up whatever future path he chooses.

“He continues to strive to do his best both socially and academically,” Cardia said.

Jacky Nguyen will receive a $150 savings bond. If you are a teacher or full-time educator and would like to nominate a student (first through 12th grades), call 215-336-2500 ext. 123 or e-mail

Keep it clean

The Philadelphia Water Department, together with the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, is challenging sixth through 12th graders to create 30-second videos showing how to keep pet waste from “poo-luting” local waters. Students in kindergarten through grade 12 may submit drawings depicting ways to prevent other forms of stormwater runoff pollution for the Protect Philadelphia’s Hidden Streams Art Contest.

Participants, as well as their teachers, are eligible to win up to $100. The top drawings will appear in a future SEPTA advertising campaign and an exhibit inside Philadelphia International Airport’s Youth Art Gallery.

For more information, visit 

Going back in time

Resident Samantha Slade is among the first students to be enrolled in La Salle University’s Public History Master’s program, geared towards archivists, librarians and researchers.

“I love the field because I get to aid people in discovering hidden collections that have been sitting in boxes gathering dust,” Slade said in a press release.

Making the list

Karima Williams was named to the East Stroudsburg University dean’s list. Students needed to attain a 3.5 grade point average or better to qualify.