Not wanted


To the Editor:

I am a new resident. We chose to live in South Philadelphia for its emerging vitality, community spirit and affordable homes. None of these assets will be enhanced by the proposed Foxwoods Casino at Reed Street and Columbus Boulevard — no matter who’s running it, or how financially successful it might be for its investors (“Wynn or lose?,” March 4).

Steve Wynn, wunderkind of Las Vegas, should not presume to speak for what would be good for our community or what is best for the long-term goals of Philadelphia.

What is needed is for our community — residents, civic associations and churches — to unite against the building of Foxwoods. If built, it will bring social problems, economic dislocation and more traffic congestion and will not benefit the development of a more livable and productive Philadelphia.

Phil Funas
South Philadelphia

Off target

To the Editor:

The thinking that proposes and advocates gun-free zones as a solution to crimes of multiple shootings is the kind of thinking that suggests licenses for bank robbers to rob banks. Gun-free zones, or the gun-free zone attitude, are, in part, responsible for the murders at Columbine and Fort Hood and for many other such incidents.

Such ideas don’t save lives; they cause many deaths. The killer, expressing to the world, “I am somebody; recognize me and my obsession” amid mental and emotional anguish is seeking relief, honor and what he believes to be justice by destroying what is most precious to the victims and/or society.

Destroy him and his remains like a disgusting, ingrate rodent in a manner that brings great shame to let others who might feel such temptations know the only honor they will receive is horrendous shame. The shameful deaths inflicted on our brave soldiers in Somalia by dragging their naked corpses through the streets or the diabolical display of the limbs and torsos of American contractors hanging from a crane in Iraq are barbaric, but such methods will deter multiple shootings and save the lives of the innocent that gun-free zones will not. Evil will succumb to strong righteousness.

Alfred Essex
South Philadelphia

Time to spiffy up

To the Editor:

I just got back from the newer playground at Second and Jackson streets. It was truly amazing. There was a sense of community you don’t really get at Marconi Plaza or Barry Playground at 18th and Johnston streets. There were kids playing roller hockey and basketball, parents with strollers and people of all ages taking in the great scenery. The areas south of Snyder Avenue desperately need a place that could compete with this. Of course in a time when new taxes are being created to help a city in trouble, it’s hard to get this high on the list of priorities.

It really isn’t fair to community members when their children are forced to play on playground equipment full of graffiti and when they have to watch their every step because there could be dog poop on the ground. Both Marconi and Barry playgrounds need to be remodeled big time. Once the remodeling process is a complete, a fence and surveillance equipment need to be installed so, during the overnight hours, the playgrounds aren’t destroyed.

The Second Street area is seen more as a working-class, pro-union area, and I am sure that allowed this playground to be built quickly and at a cheaper cost, but I am just begging some of that generosity the city gave them be shared a bit more towards Broad Street.

Michael Zuino
South Philadelphia

Dump site

To the Editor:

I am outraged and disgusted over the amount of dog waste I’ve been seeing on the sidewalks lately. There are between two and five piles of feces on every block in my neighborhood. You have to continuously look down as you walk just to avoid stepping in it. It is unsanitary, disgusting and rude.

There is no excuse for it. If you forgot to bring a plastic bag, just look around; there are plenty of discarded plastic grocery bags all over our streets.

Whenever I walk a dog, I bring a handful of plastic grocery bags with me. I bring more than I might need, just in case.

Clean up after your dog! Or perhaps your nose should be rubbed in it.

Frank D.
South Philadelphia

Return of the Jedis

To the Editor:

The PA Jedi wanted to thank you for the outstanding article on us (“Feeling the force,” March 4).

Review Contributor Jess Fuerst was a pleasure to work with and truly crafted a well-written piece that will no doubt open up opportunities for residents of South Philly to try out our light saber stage combat group.

From organization to the final product (which had truly fantastic designs in the printed paper — our jaws dropped when we saw the design of the article itself — so please pass on our gratitude to whomever was responsible for that), we had a terrific experience working with all of you.

Thank you again and may the force be with you.

Cindy Dragish
Public Relations Representative,
PA Jedi Clifton Heights