Fall Guide: What’s the Difference?


It all started about a year ago.

Sitting in the Oregon Diner, mulling over the next idea for our annual Fall Guide, it came out of the blue. Or it seemed to.

Each and every week we look for the stories and headlines that mean the most to South Philadelphians. But sometimes the story isn’t found in the biggest headline or the beefiest, most controversial story. It’s the details. The small acts that make a bunch of houses a neighborhood, and neighbors friends.

So when Managing Editor Bill Gelman talked about a theme he had long wanted to explore — those folks who rarely make the front page but make a big impact — it was a stop-sippin’-your-coffee, fork-halfway-to-the-mouth moment.

It was brilliant and simple all at once: Have residents tell us about those that mean the most to them, not really for what they do, but what they don’t do. That is, think twice about helping and never expecting anything in return.

The call was put out to our readers over the summer, and the response was more than we could have asked for. The nominations ranged from animal lovers to those that help the elderly to advocates for a healthy lifestyle. It solidified what had been suspected all along: There are some amazing, yet very low-key, not-in-the-spotlight people out there doing good works.

Narrowing down the nominees was a tough job, so to all who took the time to tell us about that special person in your life, take heart: This is not the last or only time Difference Makers will make an appearance. The enormous response made it an easy call to look again at the people who may not make the paper every day, but make a difference in small and big ways.

As the seasons change, think of that person — it can be any age, a relative, in any capacity — that brightens the day and works not just for themselves, but for others. The only payment they expect is feeling good on the inside about their contribution.

Remember their names and let us know throughout the year.

From what we can gather from the response we received, we’ve just hit the tip of the iceberg and redefined the phrase, “What’s the Difference?”

25 South Philadelphians making a difference

Recognizing the good Samaritans who help clean the block, aid others in bringing in the groceries or lend a hand in so many ways it’s hard to count.

By Amanda L. Snyder, Joseph Myers and Erica Minutella

Robin Ackerman

Margaret A. Baldwin

Tony Budwin

Patricia Cody

Georgeann Conicelli

Midge Enrico-Caruso

Jackie Gusic

Jenelle Harriff

Allison Homer

Melodie Jackson

Frank LaMacchia

Mario Mangini

Catherine Marco

Rev. Nick Martorano

Kim Massare

Dr. Angelo Milicia

Patricia Nelson

Anthony Pastore

Susan Patrone

Dorothy Perrine

Sarah Pinto

Diane Pirollo

Drema Ricco

Charlie Schill

Peter Verrecchia