3 keys to a perfect rate-lock

Walk away if lender doesn’t put these in writing

Jack Guttentag
Inman News

"In your recent article on locking problems, you advise borrowers to protect themselves by getting the lender ‘to clarify its ground rules for locking, preferably in writing.’ We always play it straight with borrowers but we don’t write too well — how about giving us your version of what an honest lender’s lock statement would look like?"

Fair enough, here it is. The statement is for "Fair-Locking Lender," or FLL. Side comments directed to borrowers are in brackets.

FLL’s Lock Policy

When FLL locks your loan, it commits to the interest rate, points and other fees that are shown in our Lock Confirmation Statement, regardless of whether or not market interest rates increase between the date the lock is issued and the date your loan is funded. Similarly, you are committed to honor the lock if market interest rates decline during that period.

FLL will inform you when all the requirements and conditions for a lock, which are shown below, have been met. We will also keep you up to date on current prices, which could be different from the prices quoted to you earlier. At that point you can request that we lock, or you can allow the price to float and lock later. FLL will not lock until authorized by you.

[Borrowers should not request a lock while they are still shopping; that is an unfair practice.]

Lock Period

Our lock commitment holds only for a specified period during which the loan must be funded. If it is not funded within that period, the lock expires. Whether the lock can be extended depends on the reasons for the failure to fund — see Rate Lock Extensions below.

Our obligation in assuring that the loan is funded in time is to provide you at the outset with our best judgment of how much time we need to process, underwrite and fund your loan, assuming you do your part. Your obligation is to provide all the documents we request from you in a timely fashion.

[Borrowers should keep a written record of document requests, when received and when provided — it could save you some grief later on.]

Requirements to Lock and Conditions for Lock to be Honored

Before we lock the rate, we want reasonable assurance that we have all the information about you and your loan that affects the rate. The column labeled "Required to Lock" in the table below shows information that we may require you to provide us before we lock your loan. The requirements can vary from case to case, and we will check those that apply to your case. The "Condition of Lock" column shows any conditions that must be met for us to honor your lock.

For example, if we require an appraisal before we lock, we will check item (f) under "Required to Lock." Alternatively, we may lock without having an appraisal but require that the appraisal, when it is received, equal or exceed a specified minimum value shown under "Condition For Lock." A lower value voids the lock.


Required to Lock

Condition of Lock

a. Application completed.

b. Required disclosures (GFE, TIL, etc.) signed and returned.

c. Required contact information for homeowners insurance, homeowners association and existing mortgage holder (if transaction is a refinance) provided.

d. Required income documentation provided.

Minimum Income =

e. Required asset documentation provided.

Minimum Assets =

f. Appraisal completed.

Minimum Value =

g. Title report completed

No Title Issues

[This is the way it should be done, but in practice requirements and conditions are usually conveyed orally, if at all. Print out the table and pin the lender down.]

Fees to Lock and Refunds
Locking is costly to us. To assure that we lock only for committed customers, we require that you pay us the following fees before we lock:

1. Lock fee of $_______.
2. Processing fee of $_______
3. Administration fee of $_______
4. Appraisal fee of $________

When your loan is closed, you will be credited with (1, 2, 3, 4).

If we lock your loan and you elect not to close, we will refund (1, 2, 3, 4).

[Pin them down on fees if they are not forthcoming.]

Rate-Lock Extensions

In the event that the rate lock expires prior to funding, we will extend it at no cost to you if we are primarily responsible for the failure to fund. In the event that the failure to fund was a direct result of actions or inactions on your part, or on the part of third parties selected by you, we will charge the following lock extension fee: _________.

Advance Notice of What Will be in the Lock Confirmation Statement: Must include product type, loan amount, LTV, interest rate, points other lender fees, mortgage insurance premiums (if any) and lock expiration date. On adjustable-rate mortgages, should include margin, current index value, adjustment caps, and maximum/minimum rate.

Warning About Changes in Price: Because the market may well change between the time the borrower applies and the time the lender has all the required documentation, the price at lock may be higher or lower than the price at time of application. The price may also change as a result of a difference between the information provided by the borrower and the information that could be verified by the lender.

[Unless the lender tabs you as a "slam dunk" and is willing to lock you on the same day you apply, which in today’s market does not happen very often, you can’t escape the possibility that the price at lock will differ from the price quoted to you when you applied. Unlike the earlier quoted price, which you had an opportunity to shop, you have no opportunity to shop a delayed lock price. The price you should get is the price the lender would quote to your twin sibling who applied for the exact same deal on the lock date.

I am working on a method to test whether a lender adheres to the twin-sibling rule. For now, you are completely dependent on the integrity of the lender, which should not prevent you from requesting an explanation of how the lock price is determined.]

Good Faith Estimate

Within three business days of submitting your loan application, we will send you a Good Faith Estimate (GFE), which is a government-mandated disclosure. If your loan has been locked at that point, the locked rate and settlement charges will be shown on the GFE along with the period for which the lock holds. If your loan has not yet been locked on the date the GFE is issued, the prices on the GFE will be those prevailing on that date. If the lock price differs from the GFE price when the loan is locked, a new GFE will be issued that will be consistent with the lock confirmation statement.

[Borrowers can use this lock statement, even if the lender doesn’t. Insist on receiving three lists in writing: 1) Requirements to lock and conditions of the lock; 2) Fees to lock, identifying those that are credited if you close and those that are refunded if you don’t; and 3) Information that will be in the lock confirmation statement.]

The writer is professor of finance emeritus at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Comments and questions can be left at www.mtgprofessor.com.

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