Escape route cut off


A North Philly man was caught in the act, as he is believed to have burglarized a Grays Ferry business of copper piping.

Roscoe Ezell allegedly was discovered on the roof of Leone’s Meat Packing, 2401 S. 28th St., when police arrived at 2 p.m. Saturday for a burglary in progress, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. When the officers climbed on the roof, they supposedly witnessed Ezell using bolt cutters to chop the business’ refrigeration units’ copper pipes. Upon officers confronting him, Ezell allegedly dropped the tools and jumped down to a parking lot before officers surrounded him in a fenced area at the rear of the property.

Already cut copper, including some from inside the building, was retrieved in the back area as was a large bag containing tools and a heavy-duty magnet, Tolliver said.

Ezell was charged with burglary, theft, receiving stolen property, criminal trespassing, resisting arrest, criminal mischief and possession of an instrument of crime.

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.

Also in this week’s Police Report:
Insult to injury
Overhead shot
Hundreds swiped
From the captain
Fled empty-handed
Meeting roundup