Horoscopes 03-03-11


PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): You may find out you need more experience in a certain area of your job. Try to be a little more detached about the situation; look into classes or the necessary training. Lucky number: 436.

ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Learning with others makes the journey nicer. A class or talk could connect you with like-minded people. An attractive stranger may catch your attention. Lucky number: 369.

TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): Someone else may be chosen for the leadership position you targeted. Focus on individual projects; there may be other avenues to get what you want. Lucky number: 892.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Personal values may come up against those in a certain clique. You may feel compelled to keep views and beliefs quiet. Ask yourself if you really want to suppress who you are in order to be accepted. Lucky number: 298.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): Take advantage of opportunities to attend a group event with friends. Your understanding and amiable ways make you a popular participant. Lucky number: 917.

LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): Disclose a secret to benefit professional aspirations. It’s a relief to let it out and discover that this information amuses people. Lucky number: 506.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): Tension could arise when someone with a lot of charisma controls the agenda. This irritates you, especially if you didn’t make feelings known. Display power in the future. Lucky number: 125.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): A potential soul mate arrives from a foreign location. The experiences this person introduces makes your life richer. If spoken for, this person may be a new friend. Lucky number: 740.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): Disclosure of information creates doubt with personal viewpoints. Use this discovery to fine-tune knowledge about a particular subject. Harnessing this energy may enable you to delve into studies. Lucky number: 954.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): An authority figure may become a mentor or make a romantic pass. If this attention is unwanted, dissuade this person in a charming way that won’t have negative consequences. Lucky number: 037.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): A professional partnership isn’t going to go as smoothly as you would like. This person may be acting like a leader rather than a collaborator. Assert your role and suggestions. Lucky number: 941.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): The workplace is more relaxing than usual. A positive nature with co-workers has a beneficial impact on the ambience. Lucky number: 674. SPR

To inquire about a personal reading, call Mystic Terry at 215-467-5162. Comment at www.southphillyreview.com/arts-and-entertainment/horoscopes.