Crime prevention tips


The 1st District is targeting the northeastern part of its district that includes parts of Newbold, Point Breeze and West Passyunk in order to reduce burglaries.

Police warn residents especially from Snyder Avenue to Moore Street and Broad to 24th streets where burglaries have been prevalent to keep the following in mind:

• Keep alleys clear to allow police access.

• Light the rear of your home.

• Always lock backdoors and windows.

• Look out the back window on occasion.

• Clean up empty beer cans, bottles or broken glass immediately.

Other tips:

• Do not give money to anyone soliciting.

• Do not give anyone who calls you on the telephone your Social Security number or any other personal information.

• Do not leave valuables in your car especially in plain sight.

• Do not leave your automobile running while you are not inside.

For more information on crime prevention steps, call Crime Prevention Officer Doug Bamberger at 215-686-3010. SPR

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at or ext. 117.

Also in this week’s Police Report:
Uninvited guests
Violent relations
Around the bend slaying
Convicted predator unlisted
Dog down
Child gun fight
Robbed and knocked down
1918 police causality honored
Curbing corruption