Casey Anthony release


Interviews by Janie McGraw
; Photos by Melanie Rose

""“I feel like she was judged by her peers and they have a good reason to acquit her.” 

Michelle Ressler,

11th Street and Oregon Avenue 

""“A video was leaked, and it was a scam. I think that’s unfortunate. There was a verdict. I think everyone should chill.”

Delia Mirarchi,

10th and Tasker streets 

""“I think she needs to be in jail. [She] had something to do with killing [her] child. It is not OK.”

Carmela Truell,

Bancroft and Reed streets 

""“There was not enough evidence for a conviction. Despite the media convicting her, she had a fair trial. It is good to see you can still get a fair trial in America.”

Ryan Buchanan,

South Clarion Street 

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