$1 million break-in


A few men forced their way into a South-Street jewelry-store owner’s apartment and robbed about $1 million worth of merchandise from his shop.

Three to five burglars — masked and armed — awakened the 27-year-old in his second-floor apartment on the 600 block of South Street at 4 a.m. Aug. 11 commanding him to hand over the keys to his first-story establishment, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. The offenders tied the owner’s hands and covered his face with a pillow while they gathered the jewelry from V.I.P Jewelers, 637 South St.

Police did not provide any further descriptions on the offenders, but were reviewing surveillance video at press time. 

To report information, call South Detectives’ tip line at 215-685-1635 or visit www.phillypolice.com/forms.

Contact Managing Editor Amanda L. Snyder at asnyder@southphillyreview.com or ext. 117.

Also in this week’s Police Report:
South Street curfew roundup
Elder robbed while unconscious
Church bandit
Serial robber indicted
Mexican restaurant looted
Sentimental valuables missing
Elder target
Wheels seized
Pumped for cash
Police meetings 08-18-11